An extraordinary adventure
“One of the gambles with In Memoriam was to make the player feel he ’s involved in a movie. But he doesn’t play a specific role. Instead, he ’s at the heart of a plot which blends reality and fiction.”
Eric Viennot (author/director)
It took Eric Viennot four years to write and produce In Memoriam. Inspired by real events, the scenario alone was one year in the making. He called on historians and specialists in the occult sciences. And, in the course of this long research phase, he consulted documents to which public access is usually prohibited.
Then the location research began, and the filming, with more than 30 hours of rushes, shot in six different countries and under the same conditions as a genuine movie shoot ...surely a first in the video game world!
But shooting a movie normally takes a few months. In Memoriam took two years. Why? Because Eric Viennot ’s passion for realism led him to film each scene under exactly the same weather and light conditions that Jack and Karen would have experienced during their two-year investigation.
At the same time, the game ’s online and offline content was under development, involving many people from different fields, each with their own complementary talents – graphic artists, writers, journalists, actors, cameramen, computer scientists, web-designers, musicians, etc. – each contributing to the scope and depth of this multifaceted work.
Then, after four long years, In Memoriam at last saw the light of day!
