Eric Viennot (author/director)
Eric Viennot was born in 1960 in Lyon, France. He trained as a visual artist and, in the 1980s,practiced photography, painting and video-making. With the Equipage 10 group, he took part in several multimedia exhibitions, showing his work in France, Germany, Italy and Denmark. He passed the CAPES and Agrégation competitive examinations in fine arts, then taught at the University of Paris 1 (Panthéon Sorbonne) for five years. In 1990,he founded the Lexis Numérique production studio with Marie Viennot and José Sanchis. A pioneer in the use of synthetic images, from 1994 he took part in many multimedia projects as graphic designer and artistic director.
In 1998,he created the first part of the Uncle Albert adventures collection, for which he has won many international awards. He continues to develop the collection through books, CD-Roms and a forthcoming animated cartoon series.
For Eric Viennot, video games are a new medium that make it possible to tell stories in a totally original way. He is interested, first and foremost, in interactive fiction because he is convinced that, a century after the dawn of cinema, video games will soon become a new narrative form, rich in emotion and the stuff of dreams.
Last June, Eric Viennot was awarded the 2003 Interactive Creation Prize by the SACD (Société des auteurs et compositeurs dramatiques), along with Jean-Pierre Jeunet (cinema),Peter Brook (theater), Zabou Breitman (young movie talent).